Portals Aren't just for Fringe Dwellers
I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about Portals in the spiritual and paranormal media lately. In one podcast I heard about the woo side of Bigfoot research. They were speaking about how portals were in the discussion of the Bigfoot community more than ever during 2019. This is exciting to me that this topic could become more well know among people looking for answers to unknown phenomena.
As energy workers know, sooner or later, you are going to encounter a portal in the physical or in meditation. Some are stronger than others. Some seem to have more of a positive or negative energy associated with them. Sometimes they can be seen, and other times only felt. In the ancient past, our ancestors were well aware of the energetics of portals, they were used for healing and inter dimensional traveling. And often architecture or earthworks were built to honor and utilize these areas. Other times they are forgotten by all but a few. They are the fun ones to find for me, as the energy is usually very clean and easier to tap into. I will be writing more on this in the future, as it’s a wide topic with a long history.
Are there any areas you have found or visited where you consciously or otherwise experienced a portal. Feel free to drop a line and share your experience.